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2016 AVA Congress in Phnom Penh; Cambodia’s biggest real estate industry event to date!

2016 AVA Congress in Phnom Penh; Cambodia’s biggest real estate industry event to date!

The theme of this year’s AVA congress shall be “One ASEAN, One Valuation Standard.”

“The 2016 AVA Congress in Phnom Penh will build a stronger, clear and transparent relationship with the government to make sure that we will become the leading center in future ASEAN,” said Kim Heang.


AVA was established in 1981 with five founding members: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. AVA has expanded its membership to include Brunei in 1990, Vietnam in 1997 and Cambodia in 2009. Laos and Myanmar, the last two ASEAN countries yet to have been brought into the fold, are not officially members yet as they have no formal valuation profession in their countries. For this year’s congress, Laos and Myanmar retain an observer status in AVA.





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Source: News – Real Estate Cambodia