project for sale in Siem Reap | Rose Apple Square

  • project for sale in Siem Reap | Rose Apple Square

Property ID : 134729

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project for sale in Siem Reap | Rose Apple Square

Rose Apple Square is a new mixed-use development which is developed by Urban Living Solutions Co., Ltd and is planned to transform the area into a new residential and commercial hub of Siem Reap City. The project began its construction in June 2020 in the central location of Siem Reap, giving the residences a comfortable living within the community.

Rose Apple Square will be developed to be a community landmark with four major sections, Rose Apple Forum, Rose Apple Commune, Rose Apple Residences, and Rose Apple Offices.

Rose Apple Forum is planned to be a policy and research-focus co-working space with a size of over 950 square meters and a conference theater enable to accommodate 150 persons. Rose Apple Commune is designed to be a co-living zone to provide a highly productive living environment including a swimming pool, yoga deck, and high-class gym center.

Rose Apple Residences will be developed to be a condominium that comprises a total 235 units. This residential development consists of four different unit types such as studio, one-bedroom, two-bedroom, and three-bedroom with a safe and delightful environment. The development mainly targeting young professionals and frequent travelers between Phnom Penh and Siem Reap City.

Rose Apple Offices is planned to be a commercial development of a strata-title office designed for small and medium enterprises who seek to access high-class amenities and facilities including a swimming pool, gym, fitness center, children’s playground, and garden in matching up with the contemporary needs of the residences.

Rose Apple Square is a great example of modern development in the city to provide luxurious and comfortable lifestyles for the new generation..

2020年6月开始动工的Rose Apple Square,是柬埔寨暹粒省(Siem Reap)房地产领域一项真正的创新项目。它位于暹粒市中心,综合公寓、公社、办公室、论坛商务中心的商业及生活多功能用途,由Urban Living Solutions Co.,Ltd.开发,将成为暹粒省一项特色鲜明的地标性社区项目。
Rose Apple Square旨在为民众提供一个可容纳多种生活方式、充满活力的真正居住社区。因此,它的建筑高度在确保城市发展的同时,又很好的尊重了其历史建筑,还将未来的暹粒生活居住楼盘引导至中低密度(绿化率达40%)。项目空间设计巧妙的将各部分功能互补,形成了一个将居民和游客连接起来的迷你生态系统。

首先是Rose Apple公社(Rose Apple Commune)。这部分是共管生活住宅,旨在为业主提供优质的城市住宅生活。它是基于不断发展的本地“社区生活”的理念而升级设计,共有40个私人单元,为精英阶层提供便利的生活需求。

其次是Rose Apple办公室(Rose Apple Office)。这是暹粒第一个以地名命名的办公空间,可为初创阶段的中小型企业提供有利的商业和社区生态系统。

第三是Rose Apple论坛(Rose Apple Forum)。这里是一个超过950平方米、具有会议、演讲及舞台设施的多功能商务会谈中心,可以为国际商务人群提供大型的会议、文化和政策研讨场所。
最后也是最重要的一部分,Rose Apple公寓(Rose Apple Residences)。它被认为是暹粒的首创共管公寓,为年轻的群体和中产阶层提供高效、安全、舒适及便利的城市居住环境。


(Rose Apple Square)是暹粒市发展成为容纳多元化生活方式的现代化城市的一个很好的例子。鉴于项目提供的所有功能,Rose Apple Square一旦在2022年完成交付,将成为暹粒下一个地标性社区建筑,也就不足为奇了。
Rose Apple公寓(Rose Apple Residences)目前状态:

project for sale in Rose Apple Road, Svay Dankum, Siem Reap, Siem Reap

Rose Apple Square located in Rose Apple Road, Svay Dankum, Siem Reap, Siem Reap

Additional Details

  • Location: Rose Apple Road