Condo for sale in Veal Vong Phnom Penh | CEO KT Pacific

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Property ID : 68299

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Condo for sale in Veal Vong Phnom Penh | CEO KT Pacific

KT Pacific is a mixed-use development that is located in 7 Makara District, which is a prime location of Phnom Penh and predominately consists of low-rise residential properties together and mid-rise commercial buildings. The development is developed by joint venture companies, KT Pacific Group and Luxin Group. KT Pacific is set to comprise 33 storey of residential units, a five-star hotel and commercial spaces.

The development is designed to be targeted young professionals and Cambodian elites who seek a high-class living environment with the support of a number of the luxurious facilities such an Sky bar, a Sky pool, an international conference hall, a luxurious restaurant, a smoking hall, fitness center, KTV rooms, spa room, parking lots, front desk and lobby, lifts, security guard and camera and fire safety..

《太平洋CEO》项目占据金边炙手可热的商业与住宅发展成熟的中心区域之一——马卡拉区,以世界级的出品实现买家追求的投资稳、回报高的愿景。凌云33 层 RC 钢筋混凝土双塔设计,总空间 94034.58 平方米,领航东南亚建筑先驱,荣获 7 项亚洲地产奖项高度肯定。

开发商利鑫集团懂得世界最顶尖的品味,独步全球新创凌云天际会馆,立地汇聚世界金流的柬埔寨金边最核心,匠心独具的凌空 LOUNGE BAR、空中健身房、云端天空步道、天际泳池,符合国际顶尖 CEO 一切所需,让最优质的商务住宅楼盘设施一站备齐,在这裡,让您放眼世界潮流、掌握全球商业金流脉动!

迎宾大厅︱8.4 米挑高格局,犹如星级酒店大堂

凌空 LOUNGE BAR︱高规复合型配置,为事业荣耀加冕


项目位金边最核心地段——奥林匹克综合开发区内。此区属于金边市中心第一环,主要干道通达,临近 Citymall、奥林匹克运动场、中央市场等,还有总理府、国防部等国家行政部门在侧。周边汇集医院、学校、银行、政府机关、市场…等,是金边重要政治、行政、金融、商业中心。


Condo for sale in Republic Blvd 169 Czech, Veal Vong, 7 Makara, Phnom Penh

CEO KT Pacific located in Republic Blvd 169 Czech, Veal Vong, 7 Makara, Phnom Penh

Lixin Group has penetrated into Cambodia for many years, and is found strong with industrial strength in development, planning, and service, so that it can start with excellent construction vision, helping to turn many great construction projects to bloom on this land. It has also worked with many official development plans as well as transportation in various localities. As a result, emerging urban planning of cities in different stages to be found in the next ten, twenty or even thirty years are hence spread out throughout the country.We hope that through local constructions we will attract more international trade enterprises to the cities, jointly enhance employment opportunities, and facilitate population growth, thus accelerating the prosperity of city.

Additional Details

  • Location: Republic Blvd 169 Czech