Meghan Markle’s New Home a Dump?! 5 Huge Flaws in Nottingham Cottage

Meghan Markle’s New Home a Dump?! 5 Huge Flaws in Nottingham Cottage

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry‘s impending marriage has the world buzzing about their future plans, including where they’ll live after tying the knot: Nottingham Cottage, a property on the grounds of Kensington Palace. Reports abound that the royal couple have already spent some time at “Nott Cott”—even that the prince proposed in the kitchen while they were roasting a chicken. Sooo cuuuute!
But make no mistake, Nottingham Cottage isn’t as posh as you might think.
While details and interior pics of this place remain tightly under royal wrap, there are rumblings that the royal couple’s first home together has more than its share of problems. Here are a few flaws that have surfaced.
1. The cottage is tiny
While Nott Cott’s exact square footage isn’t public knowledge, The Telegraph reports that this “cozy” cottage has two bedrooms and two reception rooms. Cozy, indeed—anyone in real estate knows “cozy” is code for “so small you’ll want to cry.”
2. There’s only one bathroom
In addition to those two bedrooms, the Telegraph says the place has a bathroom. A bathroom? As in one? So the prince and his-bride to-be will have to share the loo? That seems downright unroyal.
3. Ceilings are low
The claustrophobia just got worse: no soaring ceiling here. In fact, the previous tenant, Prince William, had to stoop to avoid banging his head. He is 6-foot-3. So, that means the ceilings (or door frames, or something) are only, what, 6 feet high? That’s sad.
4. There’s no air conditioning
Come on now! Even developing countries have caught onto this modern convenience known as AC. But Nott Cott, not yet. And fine, London may not be quite as sweltering as, say, Markle’s hometown of Los Angeles, but according to Vanity Fair, Prince William’s wife, Kate Middleton, found Nottingham Cottage so stiflingly hot, they had fans installed in every room to compensate … somewhat.
5. The yard is also tiny
It turns out Markle’s two rescue dogs—Guy the beagle and Bogart the Labrador, who are undoubtedly coming with her—won’t have much room to roam, either. The yard is so small, it was marked by royal watchers as one of Middleton’s biggest disappointments about the place. The only upgrade we’ve heard of is that soon after moving in, Prince Harry hung up a hammock.
Maybe that’s all there’s room to do.

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All we can say is, Markle has her work cut out for her to make the most of her new “royal” digs. This explains why reports also bound that the future newlyweds likely won’t stay in this royal “starter home” long, and will move to one of the bigger apartments at Kensington Palace soon enough.
Still, it begs the question: Is this stint at Nottingham Cottage some weird form of royal hazing? That is, “Before we let you into Kensington Palace proper, you’ve gotta sweat it out at Nott Cott, HAHAHAHA!”
All that said, though, the place has also been dubbed a “love nest” where this couple began their life together—sweating, stooping, and sharing the loo. Who knows? Maybe they will one day look back on Nott Cott as the place where they shared some of their happiest times together—even without AC.
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