Condo for sale in Phnom Penh | Agile Sky Residence

  • Condo for sale in Phnom Penh | Agile Sky Residence

Property ID : 110921

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Condo for sale in Phnom Penh | Agile Sky Residence

Agile Sky Residence is a 44-storey residential building located in Beoung Keng Kang 3 (BKK3) area which is a prime location that comprises high-rise real estate development buildings and low-rise residential dwellings. The development is situated on Preah Monivong Boulevard, a prime commercial boulevard that runs south-north of the city.

Agile Sky Residence is scheduled for completion in 2022 and is developed by a well-experienced company Agile Group Holdings Limited. The company is a top 10 developer in China and with the experiences in eight major sectors such as real estate. life services, conservation, education, construction, home management, capital investment, and commercial property management.

The units within the development comprise different types and sizes range from studio to three-bedroom and from 39 to 111 square meters. One-bedroom with a size of 57 square meters is the most provided one.

Agile Sky Residence is designed by Patrick Leung who is a famous interior designer that has won more than 200 international awards. The building is a flagship residential development to consist of high-quality home materials and high-class amenities and facilities throughout. The development is set to provide a superb view of Phnom Penh skyline, sky swimming pool, spacious lobby, nine high-speed lifts, a sky bay, sky club and café, a book lounge, fitness center, yoga area, fire protection system, safety cameras, and 424 parking lots.

Why Agile Sky Residence is the most standing out project in Cambodia?

1. Prime location
2. Experienced-developer
3. High return on investment
4. Affordable price
5. Flexible payment terms

Contact us for more information!.

雅居乐.天悦位于金边繁华之中心,万景岗3分区,44层高端公寓楼伫立在莫尼旺大道623号。它紧挨着首都的南北交通主脉莫尼旺大道,这一地段是BBK区南端炙手可热的行政、外事使馆、国际民间组织机构的驻地、外籍人士与侨民聚居的黄金区。更有各层次高素质教育机构、大型综合医疗机构,同步居者的国际化教育与医疗保健的需求。比如距离ISPP、CIS国际学校、万景岗中学、皇家法律经济大学、苏维埃友谊医院、第一综合医院,皆在10分钟车程内。 雅居乐天悦力邀曾荣获200多项国际奖项的香港著名室内设计饰梁景华(Patrick Leung)主设计,并采用国际一等品牌材料和全套家电家具配置,为金边新贵打造居住极致尚品,完全寓所交付标准,随即入住,宜自住宜投资。 雅居乐天悦的尊贵荣耀体现在独特的规划和新颖的配套。7米高挑的星级酒店式富丽宾客大堂、便捷宽阔的宾客车辆上落区、9台名厂高速载客电梯完美呈献高雅的归家待客礼仪。 雅居乐天悦以独具匠心的规划,结合四重空中花园的新颖安排,创造出更具格调的特色休闲娱乐空间,囊括风情Sky Bar、天际俱乐部、咖啡厅、儿童游戏托管区、图书阅览吧。还有金边独一无二的无边际矿物游泳池、负离子健身中心、私密花园、空中瑜伽平台等,赋予住户前卫的康体概念和愉悦体验。 雅居乐.天悦总户数963户,提供420多个停车位,公寓单位面积39-111平方米不等,包括单身套间、一居室至三居室单元,以57平方米的一居室户型为主打。楼层设计确保每一户都有方正得体的格局,布局安排恰到好处,起居和休息空间阔尺舒适,贴合东方人士的居住偏好。

Condo for sale in (93) 456 Preah Monivong BLVD, BKK 3, Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh

Agile Sky Residence located in (93) 456 Preah Monivong BLVD, BKK 3, Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh

Additional Details

  • Location: (93) 456 Preah Monivong BLVD