Condo for sale in Phnom Penh | Flatiron By Meridian

  • Condo for sale in Phnom Penh | Flatiron By Meridian

Property ID : 110972

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Condo for sale in Phnom Penh | Flatiron By Meridian

Flatiron By Meridian is a residential development to develop a 41-storey building in Beoung Kak Land. The area is a prime location consists of a large development area, high-profile uses including embassies, universities, hospitals, government institutions, and high-end hotels, and the core financial area which consists of bank offices, and company headquarters.

Flatiron By Meridian is scheduled for completion in Q2 2021 with a gross floor area of 84,140 square meters in total. The development is to be a condominium for sale and a multi-style serviced apartments occupied 13 storeys of the total development by Ascott who is an advanced property service provider from Singapore.

The units within the development consist of different types including studio, one-bedroom, and two-bedroom. One and two-bedroom units are designed to be spacious with a kitchen and en-suite bathroom. The development is well-designed to suit the residents who seek to live in a modern and comfortable atmosphere in the city center.

Flatiron By Meridian is also planned to provide top-class facilities and amenities to the residents including the sky terrace to prove a relaxation space, spectaculars view of Phnom Penh Skyline, a sky infinity pool, fitness room, rhythm cycling room, sauna, meeting room, lounge, sun deck, grand lobby, fine dining restaurant, fire protection system, safety camera, and parking lots.

The development also offers a great rental return to the buyers of 8.5% to 9.5% per year and flexible payment options.

Why Flatiron By Meridian should be your new home investment?

1. Well-experienced developer
2. Prime location
3. High return of investment
4. Competitive price

Contact us for more information!.

Meridian International Holdings在金边市Saw Chas公社Daun Penh区的Daon Penh区开发了又一个时尚的混合多功能项目,称为“ Flatiron By Meridian”。这座高层建筑项目高度168 m,总建筑面积达84,140平方米,采用了极简主义的概念,将奢华和时尚体现的淋漓尽致。

该项目于2018年11月开工建设,预计2021年年中完工。这幢41层的整齐的建筑有着鲜明而圆滑的设计,完美地将不规则尺寸的土地与设计契合,体现了现代建筑的创造力。并且这个项目不仅体现了纽约Flatiron By Meridian的精髓,而且还采用了现代大型玻璃结构和精致的室内设施进行了装饰创新。

Flatiron By Meridian在时尚的办公室区域将居住舒适性和创新精神完美结合,办公空间有17层,位于09F—25F。它的空中露台为入驻者提供休闲放松的空间,以最佳的城市视野,与紧密、热情友好的活力一起注入工作区域。最重要的是,Flatiron By Meridian还可以提供人们梦寐以求的高品质生活和国际化的工作空间。

入住Flatiron By Meridian,意味着您可以轻松到达金边繁华而吸引人的各个商业区,这里遍布购物,休闲,餐饮和旅游景点,并且被各种政府,教育,医院,银行等行政经济和医疗便民机构环绕。

Flatiron By Meridian囊括许多人想要的所有豪华设施,例如无边泳池,体育场级健身室,节奏自行车室,瑜伽室,桑拿浴室,会议室,共用厨房,休息室,阳光甲板,豪华大堂,停车场和景观设计。更重要的是…在一楼,Flatiron By Meridian以“时髦/现代”为主题,营造了一个绝佳而充满活力的商业环境,为业主、居民邻里、零售商及投资者汇聚购物,餐馆,娱乐场所,社交聚会等各类场所。

优越的地理位置和风景如画的环境使Flatiron By Meridian的每一刻都充满时尚感。除了丰富的便利设施之外,这座多功能综合大厦的每一个细节都定义了轻奢。室内建筑和装饰的质量率先使用智能技术。智能化的24小时安全服务和贴心的居家服务,让入驻者的生活和工作充满欢乐和欢乐。
多种风格的服务式酒店公寓位于Flatiron By Meridian大厦29F – 41F,共13层。它配备“新中式装饰”和由新加坡嘉德置地集团旗下的高级物业服务提供商雅诗阁(Ascott)管理的定制家居服务,秉承当地文化理念,将为入驻者提供世界级的管家服务。

Flatiron By Meridian酒店公寓提供多种选择,包括大单间、配备私人厨房和开放式浴室的宽敞一居室公寓,以及精心设计的、为迷你旅行团或者可供六口之家入住的两居室公寓。
如果投资者在Flatiron By Meridian的公寓或办公空间投资,除永久保有土地使用权外,基于同一地区的其它项目标准,投资者还可以分别获得10年固定的8.5%和9.5%的年回报率投资收益,以及保证租金返还,这比金边的平均回报率还要高得多。另外,开发商还提供了一个回购期权选择,可以在10年后以原价回购房产。

Condo for sale in 102 street, Srah Chak, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh

Flatiron By Meridian located in 102 street, Srah Chak, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh

Additional Details

  • Location: 102 street