Condo for sale in Phnom Penh | Sky Villa

  • Condo for sale in Phnom Penh | Sky Villa

Property ID : 121177

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Condo for sale in Phnom Penh | Sky Villa

Sky Villa is a luxurious condominium project which consists of two towers of 35 stories in height and is scheduled to be completed by early 2020.

The project is managed by MCC LAND and is developed by Greatview Investment. Both companies are Singaporean-based experienced in real estate development and property management. The project is designed by a world-renowned architect, Chu-Yuan Lee, who had designed a famous Taipei 101 tower in Taiwan.

Sky Villa is situated in 7 Makara District, a prime location of the city that offers convenient accessibilities. Olympic Stadium is located in close proximity to the project and offers the residents a relaxing experience of the city.

Sky Villa comprises 256 units in total with 8 different unit types of size range from 272 to 509 square meters. These spacious units provide a comfortable living for the individual and family who seek a home in downtown Phnom Penh.

A wide range of amenities and facilities for comfortable living including alarm and fire sprinkler systems, infinity sky pool, in-house restaurant and coffee shops, entertainment rooms, gymnastic, sauna, jacuzzi, sports clubs, parking space, and panoramic sky garden with spectacular views of the city. Sky Villa will also provide convenient services for 24/7 reception, security guards, and CCTV cameras will be provided within the development.

Why Sky Villa is the most standing out project?

1. Prime location

2. Experienced-developer

3. High return on investment

4. Affordable price

5. Flexible payment terms

Contact us for more information!.

柬埔寨多年来一直保持着稳定的7%年度GDP增长,并被评为世界上经济增长最快的国家之一。Sky Villa也致力于成为持续增长的支柱之一,尤其是在房地产领域。


显然,在过去的十年中,金边的面貌在迅速变化,新建成许多新派高层住宅和商业建筑,还有更多在建设当中,豪华住宅Sky Villa共管公寓就是其中之一。

Sky Villa是由两座35层高楼组成的豪华住宅公寓。按照计划,Sky Villa将于2020年初竣工,它将成为金边快速变化的新市容的增添又一道靓丽的风景线,成为这座‘亚洲明珠’的一个新地标。

最优质物业管理在Sky Villa

由Greatview Investment开发的Sky Villa委托MCC LAND管理。两家公司都源自新加坡,在房地产开发和物业管理方面拥有多年的经验,主要项目遍布新加坡。

MCC LAND首席执行官谭志勇在接受本地媒体采访时说,在柬埔寨GDP逐步增长的大背景下,两家公司希望将新加坡房地产开发的最佳行动力带到这个经济快速发展的国家。


Sky Villa的户型

Sky Villa共有256个单位,面积从272到509平方米不等,共有八种不同类型的单位,是个人、小型家庭或多代家庭住所的理想之选。就算是最小的272平方米的公寓,也能实现您最大的梦想!

Sky Villa的独特性表现于世界闻名的建筑师李祝元在这里的设计,他以桀骜的世界标志性建筑台北101大楼的设计震惊业界。


Sky Villa选位城市的最佳地点,拥有顺畅的交通网络,使居民能够轻松地到达主要公路和高速公路,出行轻松自如。

Sky Villa的公寓单元拥有独特的设计。大厦建筑的高质构建包括警报和消防喷淋系统,并选用世界一流的材料和配件。Sky Villa还配备了一流的设施,包括无边际空中游泳池和全景空中花园,可让您欣赏周边最壮观的城市光景。

此外,Sky Villa俱乐部还为居民内设餐厅和咖啡厅、娱乐室、健身房、桑拿浴室、按摩浴池、运动俱乐部。会员居民可以足不出户,享受开发商悉心配套的“到门服务”,体验高品质生活。

为了您的方便和安全,Sky Villa提供24/7接待服务,并由经验丰富的安保队伍利用闭路电视全天候监护。Sky Villa设有四层地下停车场提供车辆的安全停靠,并便捷通达车主家门。

Condo for sale in Veal Vong, 7 Makara, Phnom Penh

Sky Villa located in Veal Vong, 7 Makara, Phnom Penh

Additional Details

  • Location: Veal Vong