Condo for sale in Sihanoukville | The Hill Residence

  • Condo for sale in Sihanoukville | The Hill Residence

Property ID : 111478

Buy $40,000 - Condo
42 20 Garages 5298 Views
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Condo for sale in Sihanoukville | The Hill Residence

The Hill Residence is a residential development on Victory Hill in Sihanoukville. The development is set to deliver 60 residential units with a view of the Cambodian coast and the green hill.

The Hill Residence is designed to be a modern asset that is equipped with high-quality fitting and fixture and furniture and well management.

The development will provide one of the highest pool in Sihanoukville offers a spectacular sea view of 360 degree, front desk services, a fire protection system, security camera, parking lots, and a regular shuttle van to the downtown.

Contact us for more information!.

The Hill Residence

这是一个在 Sangkat Bei, Sihanoukville, Sihanoukville 区域,价格为 的 。

这里地理位置绝佳 。

这个 房源 , 十分适合居住,。

最重要的是,在这个 里,您可以尽情享受一个绝对安全和宁静的居住空间,完善的 等设施将带给您和您的家人满满的安全感。

如果您想电邮 来了解此房源的更多详情,请点击 “电邮中介” 或 “电联中介” ,也可点击电话查看完整号码并拨打工作人员。您也可以收藏此房源以便稍后再次访问。

Condo for sale in , Sangkat Bei, Sihanoukville, Sihanoukville

The Hill Residence located in , Sangkat Bei, Sihanoukville, Sihanoukville