Hexa Condominium Russey Keo, Russey Keo, Phnom Penh

  • Hexa Condominium Russey Keo

Property ID : 127033

Buy $50,000 - project
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Hexa Condominium is a 31-storey mixed-use development project in Russey Keo District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The development project is planned to be a mid-end development by SJS1 Construction & Development to deliver high-quality residential units.

Why the development stand out in condominium investment?

1. The development offers an affordable pricing
2. The development has various payment options
3. There are many amenities and facilities within the development

SJS Construction & Development and SJS1 Borey Development have partnered with each other to develop the first “home run” in Phnom Penh residential market with a remarkable sale.

With the experiences in real estate sectors and the success in the previous development, SJS Construction & Development has launched a new mixed-use development known as “Hexa Condominium”. The development is situated in a new residential and commercial development area comprises of various landed residential property development and Aeon Mall Sensok City, a giant Japanese shopping mall. The location is also close to Toul Kork district which is an educational, residential, and commercial zone of the city.

With the rising of the Cambodian middle-class, the Hexa Condominium is developed to suit the demand of the Cambodian middle-class and professionals who seek a comfortable cozy home in the city. The development started its construction on 20 November 2020 and is built on 1,578 square meters of land. This development is planned to deliver 614 residential units, 36 office units, and 2 shops over its 31-storey tower. The residential units within the development comprise 3 unit types such as one-bedroom, two-bedroom, and three-bedroom ranging from 30 square meters to 60 square meters of Net Internal Area. The office units are located on the top level of the development on the 29th and 30th floor offers a spectacular view of Phnom Penh City.

Hexa Condominium development also provides the mid-tier amenities and facilities to support the comfortable living of the residences such as a swimming pool, a romantic rooftop sky bar, gymnastic room, front desk, and concierge services, security guards and cameras, fire security equipment, and parking lots on the lower levels from first to the fourth floor.

Contact us for more information!.

Hexa Condominium是台资建筑地产商圣家鑫集团为满足在柬埔寨金边,人们对新时代简约优质住宅日益增长的需求,在雷西区开发的31层共管公寓项目。圣家鑫在柬埔寨的首个地产项目SJS1排屋园区就一炮而红,迅速售罄。 Hexa Condo是圣家鑫再度整合天时地利与自身优势,精心规划的适销型混用项目。

Hexa Condo以雷西区为驻点,紧挨着堆谷区的西北外沿,既结合了雷西区开发成本的优势,又能充分借用堆谷区的成熟效应,同时还有相邻的森速区新生能量的互动,突出地就有堆谷区TK商场和森速区永旺2等商业设施。雷西区有人口60万,是金边市区与新兴郊区的黄金交点。 Hexa Condo必将是堆谷富足和动静皆宜的商居环境的延展,以便利和丰富的日常生活吸引中等富裕阶层和商务人士。而且,它还提供时尚办公空间,非常贴合周边对商办物业的需求。

吴哥大道Angkor Blvd从北向南延伸,南接毛泽东大道,从Hexa Condo开车进市中心只需十分钟,步行一分钟生活半径内机能一应俱全,还有学府林立,Golden Gate国际学校、Western国际学校、北京国际学校、柬埔寨帕纳萨斯大学Paññāsāstra University(PUC)等构成了丰富的教育资源。多条线路可到达TK商场、东方文化广场、伊甸园商街、万客隆量贩超市、百盛百货。附近本地、国际饮食风味无所不包,外加星巴克、Koi、Brown、Amazon、Chatime等知名品牌咖啡与茶饮。此外,区域内除了百余家私人门诊,还有维多利亚国际医院、Calmette甘密医院等医疗机构,医疗体系发展完善。

Hexa Condo 项目从 11月20开始施工,占地1,578平方米,公寓576户,1至4层停车场,29-30层商务空间。公寓户型为一至三居室,套内净面积约30-64平方米。地面一层作为迎宾门厅,配设Brainstorm共享办公间。礼宾迎候、物业管理、休闲充电、灵活工作,在进出驻足之间就能自如享用。 31楼顶层的健身房、游泳池、浪漫高空sky bar是住户们舒展身心的专属领地。惬意的Hexa Condo生活,也是思潮激荡、创作能量的源泉。公寓住户还能享受细致入微的人性化服务,公共空间及居家的清洁和安保、车道管制、行政秘书、财务税费代交、信函收发、衣物送洗、日租住户晨用餐点等等,事无巨细,关怀备至。

圣家鑫集团的专业团队为买家处理购后所有需求,提供代管、代租、代售服务,实现柬埔寨投资的远程遥控。参照最新堆谷区租赁行情,一房租金约$350/月起;两房租金约$600/月起;三房租金约$850/月起,预计Hexa Condo年投资报酬率可达9%。 Hexa Condo售价合理,置业起点不高,自住或出租生利都非常理想。


Hexa Condo公寓购买分期支付计划:

复合分期 訂金1,000美元,一周内签订合约并支付20%,第2至36个月分期支付30%,10年分期支付50%,年息12%;(只针对柬埔寨本地人)

  • Unit Beds Min: 1
  • Unit Beds Max: 3
  • Unit Floor Area Min:26
  • Unit Floor Area Max:63
  • Expected Rental Rerturn: 8%
  • Downpayment Ratio:30%
  • Sold Rate: 40%
  • Construction Progress:
  • Greening Rate:


Additional Details

  • Location: Russey Keo
