KPS-Land-Sale-1.4ha-$25/m² 20071454 | Kampong Speu Land

  • KPS-Land-Sale-1.4ha-$25/m² 20071454 | Kampong Speu Land
  • Map-2-19

Property ID : 7246

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KPS-Land-Sale-1.4ha-$25/m² 20071454 Kampong Speu.

Land for sale
-Address/地址: St. 1440, Ksach Poun Commune, Oudong District, Kampong Speu province (42km from Phnom Penh – Wat Phnom) 距离金边Wat Phnom 42公里
-Tenure /土地使用权: Freehold /永久产权
-Title Deed /产权性质: Hard title deed /硬产权  
-Sale Price /售价: US$351,375/美元
-Price per sqm /单价: US$25/m²
-Land Area /土地面积: 14,055m²
-Frontage/沿路: 62.5 meters
-Road Width/道路宽度 Current 15m paved road (40m approved road plan) 15米柏油路 (40米批准路图)
-Zoning /区域: Industrial/工业区
-Notes of surrounding area/周边区域说明: -8.8km west from St. 51
-28km north from National Road 4
-25km south from National Road 5
-Reference/编号: Property ID 20071454

Land Kampong Speu, Cambodia

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