La Vista One Street No3 Mekong River, Chroy Changvar, Chroy Changvar, Phnom Penh

  • La Vista One Street No3 Mekong River

Property ID : 106499

Buy $100,000 - project
48 695 Garages 5832 Views
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LA VISTA ONE is located at the intersection of the Mekong River and the Tonle Sap River, the central area of the Chroy Changvar District in Phnom Penh, a neighbourhood of the wealth, the politics, and heads of glory.

Why we chose this project

1. Very popular with both local and international buyers for living & investment purposes
2. Already 40%+ through construction, great pricing and completing in 2021
3. Fantastic location

Sharing the benefits from one of the prime locations along the axis of Mekong River and billions investment on high-end facilities, residents will be lucky to own the treasure that this twin-tower dwelling could provide. It is planned to be a 41-storey complex and 140-meter in height, to become a new landmark of the city, and to offer the first experience of honourable lifestyle on river bank. Designed by architectural masters, LA VISTA ONE fits itself into the nature landscape and the urban plan by taking into account the environmental elements as much as possible.

Hence, it will give you an unbelievable panoramic view of the bustling capital and add value to a luxury life of yours in Southeast Asia. The twin towers are well situated in the multi-channel transportation network including the railway station, the airport, the pier, from which the beauty beyond the city is not out of reach. In addition, being close to a ring of tourist interests and amenities for daily life, entertainment and business, it is as convenient and joyful here as in the CBD.

Besides, within a 10-minute drive from the complex, there are Makro, the shopping mall by Central Group from Thailand, Sokha Hotel, the first five-star hotel, Safari World, the first zoo of Phnom Penh and an upcoming largest water park in Asia. Furthermore, Facilities including Chroy Changvar elementary and secondary school, Chea Sim Middle School, Norton University, Cambodia University of Technology, Sunrise hospital from Japan, as well as the Olympic Stadium are also nearby. The full plan of top-end facilities, including infinity pool, fusion catering, sky bar, sky restaurant, VIP lounge, sky garden and meeting room, scenic gym room, spa club, will definately present you a high end life style in the metropolis.

Each unit of apartment at LA VISTA ONE.

紫晶壹号位于金边湄公河与洞里萨河交汇处,水净华中央豪宅区,富人区里门户之心,与政要塔尖为邻,与领袖显贵点头致意,坐拥湄公河轴线的显赫地位,享世界级千亿鼎配。整个项目以41层、140米超高Art Deco双子楼规划建设,鼎筑金边城市新地标,荣启金边湾居生活。
作为新金边城市封面大著,紫晶壹号在配套规划上匹配全球巅峰人士所思所想,打造国际化湾区轻奢生活。项目拥有无边界游泳池、环球餐厅、空中酒吧、空中餐厅、行政酒廊、空中花园会客厅、环景健身馆、水疗中心等精奢配套。每一户都能臻享一线水景, 360度四面瞰景环幕视野、星级管家全天候提供精细化呵护服务,回家即是度假式生活在这里完美上演。

  • Unit Beds Min: 1
  • Unit Beds Max: 3
  • Unit Floor Area Min:48
  • Unit Floor Area Max:127
  • Expected Rental Rerturn: 6% to 8%
  • Downpayment Ratio:30%
  • Sold Rate:
  • Construction Progress: 45%
  • Greening Rate: 10%


Additional Details

  • Location: Street No3 Mekong River
