Land for Sale in Kandal Chhveang Kandal

  • Land for Sale in Kandal Chhveang Kandal
  • 200872ef9783adc8047e40cd535f0bd353587284
  • e106b58b8d85ca5ecbca6da412bd1db3167585a3

Property ID : LPS-003948

Buy $200,000 - Residential land
14158.7 2593 Views
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Land for Sale in Kandal Chhveang.

  • Located in Kveang
  • Land size: 14158.66sqm
  • Price: 200,000$
  • Soft title but can convert to hard title

High-rising massive land for sale which you can find in Kveang. It is in a developing site that has facilities such as electricity and a beautiful path way leading to the main road. Surrounding the land are factories and other lands that are renovating into a more commercial type like a resort. The land is a good drive from the city and provides a peaceful and quiet atmosphere for constructions such as a resort. It is an ideal type of land for developers searching for a huge increase in profit.

Residential land Chhveang

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