Land For Sale | Land Chreav Siem Reap

  • Land For Sale | Land Chreav Siem Reap
  • 849911171610e38ac7414e0.67907047_1202
  • 469050579610e38aeaff5e1.12061406_1280

Property ID : 5900960

Buy $110 - Land
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This land is suitable for a modern house or a modern villa.
Currently, there are many people living around this land, including foreigners.
What is more special than the other land is that next to this plot is an ancient land that in the future there will be no construction or noise at all, and there are a lot of trees. It is also far from the main road, no distractions from driving on the road. It is in the south of first city ring road , about 400m . In Chreav .
Hard Title
Land size 1536sqm
Price: 110$/m2

Land Chreav Siem Reap