Le Condé BKK1 St.122 No. 352, BKK 1, Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh

  • Le Condé BKK1 1bed
  • Le-Conde-BKK1-One-Bedroom-Bedroom
  • Le Condé BKK1 St.122 No. 352
  • Le Condé BKK1
  • Le-Conde-BKK1-One-Bedroom-Kitchen
  • Le-Conde-BKK1-One-Bedroom-Bedroom(1)

Property ID : 140917

Buy $115,336 - project
37 236 Garages 4294 Views
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LE CONDÉ BKK1 is a mixed-use 43 storeys building launched by Wangfu International Real Estate Development Co., Ltd with the concept of “The Heart Of It All”. The building is set to be an iconic building in the central of Phnom Penh of Beoung Keng Kang 1 (BKK1) area.

The development is located in a prime location which provides significant advantages by its strength of being a residential, commercial, and business hub with multinational enterprises, schools, international organizations, and luxurious restaurants.

With the inspiration of the scenic rural fields of Southeast Asia and the greatest Cambodian architectural pioneer, Van Molyvann, LE CONDÉ BKK1 is designed to be the mild luxury and life of wisdom and a balance between pursuit and humility.

The development is constructed by a premium-qualified engineering company from China, set to be the tropical landscape with the elegance of the oriental arts and will be managed by a Japanese company, Hopetree Japan.

LE CONDÉ BKK1 consists of 3 different types of fully furnished units including studio, one-bedroom, and two-bedroom with a veritable smart home and an intelligent system to control room temperature, lights, timer for housework, and energy-saving mode.

The sale prices of the residential units start from about $3,100 per square metre with the guaranteed rental return up to 3 years at the annual interest rate of 8%.

This residential development will also provide many classy amenity and facility services to support the tranquility and quality living of the resident including a spacious lobby, an infinite swimming pool, a spectacular view of Phnom Penh Skyline, a sky bar, a gymnastic room, a yoga room, conference rooms on the 32nd floor, a reading space, a jogging track, a spacious sky garden, concierge services, room services, and parking lots.

Why LE CONDÉ BKK1 should be your new home investment?

1. Well-experienced developer

2. Prime location

3. High return of investment

4. Competitive price

5. Guarantee rental return provided

Contact us for more information!.


王府·观邸从东南亚“梯田”中汲取灵感,融合东方文人墨客的情怀与优雅,以此致敬柬埔寨最伟大的建筑先驱–旺莫利万(Vann Molyvann)先生。项目规划43层、以145米的高度揽见城市天际线。每一个细节,都是旺莫利万先生“建筑是自然的延伸”理念的高度凝练,是对轻奢生活的诠释,是健康的生活态度,是追求与豁达的平衡。

王府·观邸的价值,从择址万景岗1区的那一刻即已注定。众所熟知的金边首都中心万景岗1 区,面积极小却占据着城市的优势资源。它早已是各国外交使节、国际组织及跨国企业驻扎金边的基地,联合国驻柬埔寨办事处距王府·观邸仅200余米,国际政务中心、商务中心的地位不言而喻。

金边素有“东方小巴黎”之称,作为首都CBD的万景岗1区更是浓缩了欧美风尚,高密度的咖啡馆以及各色餐厅和酒吧,令人恍若置身西方名都。Brown Coffee咖啡馆、Eric Kayser面包、Topaz法餐、Terrazza意大利餐、Hops Beer精酿啤酒餐吧等,不用远飞海外,便可尽情领略国际潮流。永旺商场、Noro Mall购物中心、Zando网红精品店、本土水疗名店Bodia Spa等购物休闲,满足城市精英们的国际化生活需求。这一区更是优质名校圈,数十所国际学校环绕,顶尖的莱佛士蒙特梭利国际学校也在其中。

王府·观邸服务式公寓由来自中国的高资质工程建筑公司设计和施工,由日本HOPETREE JAPAN执掌物业管理。公寓以小户型为主,涵盖单身公寓37-41平方米、1居50-62平方米、2居72-90平方米。在完美契合时代潮流的同时,采用精装交付,甄选时尚名品为全屋配套,日常所用尽数铺陈好,拎包入住,省心又省力。销售起价约9.8万美元,均价3,100美元/平方米。日本HOPETREE物业管理还提供3年包租的选择,年回报率8%。

在此之上,充分考量金边人民生活需求,将对城市人居的思考融入作品之中。独设 4大革命性配套,因改变而生趣:



  • Unit Beds Min: 1
  • Unit Beds Max: 1
  • Unit Floor Area Min:37
  • Unit Floor Area Max:37
  • Expected Rental Rerturn: 8%
  • Downpayment Ratio:
  • Sold Rate:
  • Construction Progress: 5%
  • Greening Rate: 20%


Additional Details

  • Location: St.122 No. 352


Property Video
Le Condé BKK1 St.122 No. 352, BKK 1, Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh