Service Apartment For Rent In Toul Kork With 1 Bedroom Tuol Kork

  • Service Apartment For Rent In Toul Kork With 1 Bedroom Tuol Kork

Property ID : 37327

Rent $800 - Apartment
51.96 1 Bedroom 2 Bathrooms 3835 Views
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Service Apartment For Rent In Toul Kork With 1 Bedroom Tuol Kork. FULL SERVICE APARTMENT WITH ONE BEDROOM FOR RENT IN TOUL KORK
1Bed we have 4 different types:
+ 38.03sqm
+ 51.96sqm
+ 66.54sqm
+ 71.69sqm
→ Price start from: $800 – $2150 per month
※Utilities fee
+ Electric fee: $0.25/kwh
+ Water fee: free of charge

※Including service and facilities
+ Cable t.v.
+ Internet (fast speed, set up one room one router)
+ Cleaning service(5times a week)
+ Laundry service(provide free pieces depend on room type)
+ Bed sheet changing(2times a week)
+ Fully furnished(all kitchen ware provide)
+ 24hours securities and reception
+ Parking(first come first serve)
+ Mini-mart
+ Comfortable lung space(message chair)
+ Rooftop garden with BBQ space
+ Theater room
+ Gym space
+ Cafe

Tuol Kork Phnom Penh
