The Peak Residences , Tonle Bassac, Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh

  • The Peak Residences

Property ID : 51333

Buy $176,000 - Studio
62 1420 Garages 3928 Views
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The Peak Residences is a top-class mixed-use development comprises 55 storeys in height with restaurants, shops, offices, residences, and the prestigious Shangri-La Hotel.

The Peak is situated along the river esplanade with greater accessibilities in downtown Phnom Penh. The Peak is located close to a flagship Japanese shopping mall “AEON Mall”, the only casino within a 200-kilo metres radius of Phnom Penh “NagaWorld”, government institutions, and Cambodian iconic Landmarks.

The development delivers a luxurious living home with high-end amenities and facilities including a high-security camera, gymnastic and spa room, fitness room, spacious lobby and recreation centre, 5 levels of retails space on the lower floor, sparkling blue pool, and sky lounge on the top floor with the eye-catching view..

楼高55层的The Peak,高耸入云,如同飘逸在云霄中的一片绿洲。它的各个组成部分都是最顶尖的,有餐馆、商店、办公间和高级公寓,还有国际老字号香格里拉大酒店,为它高尚新潮的天际生活锦上添花。然而这仅仅是开始。
The Peak是一座多功能混用建筑,两座塔楼各提供500套公寓,共管式或酒店式,丰富的附加功能为居住体验创造了最大的舒适性和便利性,可以说,一切都触手可及。
The Peak栖居于百色河畔的主道上,周遭散布着许多金边主要的城市景点,诸如独立纪念碑、西哈努克大道的商业地标等等。议会大楼和外交部等政府机构、各国使馆、高质教育学府也近在咫尺。这里的住户可以轻松移步到AEON购物中心消费日常和休闲购物,或到金界娱乐大世界纵情五星级的欢乐。
不过不必舍近求远,因为The Peak就在家门口为住户提供多重购物消费惊喜。大厦裙楼林立着各色专门店、特色美食餐厅,还有老少皆宜的娱乐天地。The Peak制造的每份喜悦都叫人难以抗拒。

日趋繁忙的金边总是需要你应对更多工作和生活的紧张和压力,在The Peak的13A和55层,你可以享受完整的娱乐体验,欣赏城市的壮丽景色,尽情松弛自我,暂时从各种纷扰中逃逸出来。

在13A层,有设备完善的健身房、多功能会客厅。在最顶层的Sky Lounge,有天际泳池、日光甲板和按摩浴池,点缀着绿意葱葱的小园林。

The Peak由新加坡的Oxley国际和柬埔寨Worldbridge Land联手开发。它就像新加坡57层的Marina Bay Sand酒店一样,让你同时拥有城市天际线、滨水全景、豪华寓所、顶级休闲。但是,起售价仅17.6万美元。项目计划于2020年12月整体交付,住宅单位90%已出售。

  • Unit Beds Min: 1
  • Unit Beds Max: 1
  • Unit Floor Area Min:62
  • Unit Floor Area Max:84
  • Expected Rental Rerturn:
  • Downpayment Ratio:
  • Sold Rate: 90%
  • Construction Progress: 80%
  • Greening Rate:

