Villar for Rent with P Tuol Kork

  • Villar for Rent with P Tuol Kork
  • Villar-for-Rent-with-Pool-2
  • Villar-for-Rent-with-Pool-3

Property ID : 30847

Rent $3,000 - Land
600 5 Bedrooms 7 Bathrooms 3918 Views
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Villar for Rent with P Tuol Kork. Villar for Rent with Pool, near market, near private and public school, near banks, near ATM machine, near hotel, near restaurant, near clinic. there are 5Parking Cars with Pool.
Price: 3000$ per month
Bedrooms: 5
Bathrooms: 7
Living room: 1
Kitchen: 1
land size: 20m X 30m
Minimal rent terms: 24 months
Area: Beong Kok1
City: Phnom Pen

Land Tuol Kork

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