TownCity Real Estate

TownCity Real Estate

TOWNCITY REAL ESTATE CO., LTD was established in early 2013 by a Cambodian​ entrepreneur; Mr. VAN Chanthorn, graduated MBA degree in Management from Build Bright University. It’s a fully licensed and professional real estate company recognized by the Ministry of Economy and Finance and it’s also a member of Cambodia Valuers and Estate Agents Association (CVEA) in the Kingdom of Cambodia.

TOWNCITY is led by​​ experienced management team who have great management & leadership skill and strategic business management skill in designing strong corporate structure and governance to ensure that TOWNCITY can run in profitable and sustainable manner. Even TOWNCITY is also called and known as one of customer oriented-agencies in Cambodia, but our management still stays focused on customer satisfaction and care as per our great motto “Trust & Convenience”

In term of Estate Brokerage service, our agents have excellent customer service skill to provide our customers the broadest property information and choices in finding, renting, leasing and buying their property of dream with high respect and professionalism complying

Contact Details
  • Office : +855 12 900 208
  • Mobile : +855 10 503 977

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良いレンタルアパート Phnom Penh

良いレンタルアパート Phnom Penh.
POA - Flat House

良いレンタルアパート Phnom Penh. 賃貸アパート場所:ビョンケンカン1(BKK1)タイプ:ワンルームアパート(スデイオ)賃料:1200ドルから1500ドルまでです。サイズ:37平方メートルから59平方メートルです。一つベッドルーム一つパースルーム(お手洗い)リビングルームキッチンルーム(台所)バルコニースカイバー電気代:0.30ドル/kw水道代:無料無料:インターネット、ゲーブルテレビ、家具付き、…….お気軽にお問い合わせください。お迎えに上がりご案内します。