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America’s Best Under-the-Radar (and Affordable!) Beach Towns

America’s Best Under-the-Radar (and Affordable!) Beach Towns Escaflowne/iStock; TDOPhotography/iStock; Png-Studio/iStock; AppalachianViews/iStock The signs are everywhere you look: Middle-aged men inappropriately wearing shorts. Spray tans mysteriously appearing on office mates who haven’t seen natural sunlight in a year. And your…

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Phnom Penh Security Infrastructure to Increase

Phnom Penh Security Infrastructure to Increase Governor Socheatvong confirmed that the Phnom Penh municipality will install 600 security cameras across the capital over the coming 6 months. In addition, more than 69 hectares of gardens and trees will…

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What drives first home buyer activity?

What drives first home buyer activity? Are you thinking of buying your first home, or know somebody who is? A look at the lending trends for first home owner grants since 2000 reveals which conditions are most…

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