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What’s the Best Pet for Donald Trump’s White House?

What’s the Best Pet for Donald Trump’s White House?

President Obama with Bo

Official White House Photo by Pete Souza

President-elect Donald Trump has made it clear that he’s not one for blindly following tradition, so it’s not surprising that the political trailblazer is turning another White House tradition on its head—by becoming the first commander in chief over the past 150 years who doesn’t have a pet.

Every president except James K. Polk and Andrew Johnson has been a pet owner, according to The Washington Post. Their menageries included dogs, cats, horses, and a wide variety of more unusual clawed, taloned, gilled, and winged inhabitants of l600 Pennsylvania Ave.

For instance, who knew George Washington had Polly the parrot as well as 36 hounds, plus horses? Thomas Jefferson and Theodore Roosevelt had bears (live ones, not the cute stuffed ones named after Roosevelt). John Quincy Adams had an alligator. James Buchanan owned eagles (very patriotic of him). And Martin Van Buren had two tiger cubs—until Congress made him donate them to a zoo. Killjoys!

In more recent years, Americans on both sides of the political aisle have melted just a little over those warm fuzzies–inducing first family portraits of the Obamas with their Portuguese water dogs Bo and Sunny. Their hearts have similarly warmed over photos of George W. Bush‘s clan with their Scottish terriers and English springer spaniel.

“The White House has been home to a wide variety of pets, but in general the benefits of owning a dog can’t be beat,” says animal behaviorist Jessica Lockhart of Fairview Behavior Associates in Dallas.

Bo will be leaving the White House soon...
Bo will be leaving the White House soon…

Official White House Photo by Pete Souza

Plus, canine companions have been proven to lower stress levels and blood pressure—a perk for the holder of arguably the most stressful job in the world.

For the incoming president, Crista Coppola of Dog and Company, in Tucson, AZ, would recommend cats instead.

That’s because Trump’s busy, peripatetic lifestyle may not be a good match for needy, attention-craving  canines, the animal behaviorist says. Felines are more independent and would give Trump some space to attend to more pressing matters than belly rubs.

Another option is a marine creature—or two. “A fish that sat on his desk that he could practice his speeches on would be cool,” Coppola says. “It wouldn’t disagree with him.”

Trump shouldn’t rule out ferrets either, animal specialists suggest.

“Ferrets make great pets,” Coppola says. “They’re extremely smart and cunning, and they can be house-trained and you can walk them on leashes.”

They’re also very optimistic (albeit odoriferous) little creatures, says Marc Morrone of Parrots of the World in Rockville Center, NY. “No matter how depressing a situation is, a ferret will always make it better,” Morrone says. “The only issue is ferrets are not legal in Washington, DC. So he’s going to have to change the law.” No problem!

Or he could consider the friendly bearded dragon lizards.

“They enjoy human contact, so it’s a great pet for Barron,” he says, referring to Trump’s youngest son. “[And] they don’t need much time so they’re not going to interfere in anyone’s busy schedule.”

And the president-elect shouldn’t overlook African gray parrots.

“They talk very well, so it will be very entertaining for any guests or diplomats who come to the White House,” Morrone says. “But as far as birds go, they’re nice and quiet.” Discreet, even.

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